Sun, Surf, Boerewors and Beer

The weekend has left us as we count down the next 5 days to the weekend. It is not often you look back and think to yourself “that was a cracking weekend” well in this instance that is exactly what it was. I would not change a minute of it except perhaps for the thumping I was handed on the Boules pitch by Sar’s and her Dad. Yes I was hammered by a girl and a pensioner, in normal circumstances this would have been a tragedy but I managed to redeem myself on Sunday when we added Sarah’s aunt from NZ to the game and called it the Boules Tri-Nations. Just the mention of “Tri-Nations” will bring out any proud South Africans “A” game and I duly responded for the team. More of that later.
Saturday morning Sarah made our way to Burleigh Heads (10kmsouth of Surfers Paradise) with the plan being to get me a fishing rod, seeing all the water around these parts and hearing the fishing report got me quite excited so we headed out with gusto. On arrival in Burleigh, it was the most stunning day so we headed for a coffee. We found the most amazing spot for Breakfasts and coffee. It sat right on the point; our table was 1m from the rocks and 5 from the waters edge. 50m north there were guys surfing and people on the beach relaxing. You have to see this place and the prize for anyone visiting us in Aus will be Brekky at Mermaids in Burleigh. After our coffees we ventured forth in search of a fishing stick for myself-nothing suited what I wanted so we head back for surfers and in conversation decide we would both like to go for surf. Needless to say all fishing thoughts went straight out of my head as now we are on the hunt for surfboards (bodyboards), strike while the iron is hot and before Sar’s changes her mind are my thoughts at this point. Into to Amart sports (sportsman’s warehouse) and we pick up 2 boards, fins, leashes and many looks at us saying “bloody tourists”. Sarah’s folks gave us the same look when we arrived home and say something on the line of “Mac you won’t even get in the pool because it is to cold and now you are going to swim in the ocean, like hell”. Anyway I wax the boards and we are planning a dawn patrol for Sunday morning. More important things we are having a BBQ/Braai this evening as Sarah’s aunt is over from NZ. We have stacked the fridge got the baarbie out, bought some boerewors (yes it is available here) and some steak. We crack into a fantastic evening outdoors with beer and meat. I am sure it is scripted somewhere that this is how Saturday evening should be spent. At some stage during the evening I tell Sarah’s dad to wake us at 5.30am as we have waves to tame.
True as Bobs your uncle there is a bloody bang on the door at 5.30. Misty eyed and head we head for main beach, new boards fins in their bags. We get there and the surf is pumping, 5 foot glassy hollow beach break and no one out, really reading 2 foot slight chop but looks like some fun considering Sarah has never done this. We spend over an hour and believe it or not it starts to get crowded (5 people out) so we pack it in having had an absolute ball, Sarah has been heard wailing in delight on her 1st wave (which boards well for future sessions). We both head up feeling invigorated at getting some real exercise and find a spot on the beach for brekky. As the rest of the Gold Coast is waking up we are already well into the day (I have to restore some Boules pride later). On arrival home it is coffee and croissants in the garden, then the family heads out for some retail therapy. All except me that is, I have spotted the TV guide and have a choice of the Australian GP, Aussie Rules Football, and The Bronco’s in Rugby League, Golf and football on telly. There was no chance I was going shopping. Having trouble making a decision I do the obvious thing and channel surf between the sports. Not very active I know but let’s not forget that I need my rest for the Tri-Nations Boules later in the day (have I mentioned that already).
The dream weekend ends with us sitting down the most fantastic dinner cooked by Sar’s mom of fillet steak with various veg and a bottle of wine, I am looking for angels as this is heaven I reckon. Then it is off to bed, trophy on the pillow but still no fishing rod!!!!
Happy Days
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