Friday night Sar's and I decided to go and look at all the Christmas lights on peoples houses. Over here it seems to be the done thing to decorate your house in late November with lights to celebrate the festive season. It is really a lovely thing to drive around seeing the many houses decorated with lights and the like.

Some areas really go overboard though, we went up one road that is fairly well known on the Gold Coast for the effort everyone on the road puts into their lights. We could not believe it when we arrived at this road, we had to park down another street firstly, there were people everywhere walking up and down looking at the lights and the residents were loving it, some even standing on their driveways giving the kids sweets as they walked past. I thought I had seen everything until the first of 3 tour busses pulled in!!!!! Yes they do trips around the coast to show you all the best lights. One house actually had an operating Ferris Wheel and train in the front garden with xmas music playing in the background, oh yes their entire balcony was taken up by a smoke blowing snowman and their roof with Santa and his 8 reindeer. It is really amazing the length people will go to and it really does add to the Christmas feel about the neighbourhood. It does however make my front lights along the gutters and Santa in the window look like a poor effort. Here is a
clip from one of the houses.
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