Hows the Serenity
To keep family and friends up to speed with our lives since our arrival "Down Under" from the UK with frequent updates from the whirlwind that is our life.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Well another game has come and gone with everyone improving their individual scores from months past bar me!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a good day out at Gailes and we look forward to the next event at Cleveland booking permitting, from what I have read about the course the whale (for a ball in the water ladies) will no doubt be breaching more regularly than at Gailes though I don’t think as often as it did at Riverlakes in January. You can relax about the water VB (Andrew), with a lifeguard such as the Hof (Thommo) around water really isn’t an issue. After all the support Brisbane’s driving ranges received in the build up to Gailes, hang your heads in shame Clayton and Thommo, it is no surprise that the handicapper has had to come down hard on most of Sundays participants, once again I have not moved after another boring 91. The biggest mover of the week has been VB who has had 4 shots slashed off his handicap from 46 to 42; all this with a bent putter, second to be kneecapped was the Hof from 34 to 31 followed by Clayton having 2 shots smothered off of his from 37 to 35. Yours truly remains at 15 (for all calculations see the attached spreadsheet).
A most concerning thing happened at Gailes which hopefully can be avoided in the future, a game was golf was completed without penalty drinks consumed afterwards. It was a shameful day, we certainly should have toasted the way VB went out of his way to claim the whale he rightfully saw as his almost maiming a few pensioners, 2 holes away but standing near a puddle, out for a Sunday stroll or the way Clayton fought to get rid of the serpent on the 18th even trying in desperation to accuse Mac, The Hof and VB all of 3 putting, last confirmed sighting Clay was under a tree trying to pass the snake onto a wallaby. It is these gestures that need to be rewarded with the nectar of the cactus and the choice drink of the 3 Amigo’s. I leave it there for now.
Gailes quote of the day from VB “You know why they called it golf…because fuck was taken”
Last but not least I leave it to the Hof to contact Cleveland to check availability for the 2nd of March, with everyone’s availability having been confirmed on Sunday. If anyone had any ideas regarding format of the game or if you were happy with the way it was played on Sunday, please let me know.
Yours in Golf
Monday, February 04, 2008
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Great news, Sarah and I are expecting our first child on the 3rd August.. We have known since around the 4th of December, however we had the first scan yesterday and are now telling the world. Wilson (as Sarah begins to resemble a volleyball) is about 7cm long at present and has been giving his Mom a load of trouble morning day and evening with bouts of sickness. However after seeing the scan yesterday Sarah has already forgiven him and can't wait for its arrival in August..
Powder Snow
There will be a few short and sweet blogs regarding our recent trip to Japan where we experienced the most awesone powder snow ever, weird foods, fantastic people and super sumo.. I will post some pics as I get time though here is a start with a very basic video taken off the digital camera just to get an idea of the powder snow. This was our first day in Niseko and the snow only got deeper from here as it snowed every day. Check it out at
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Come and Gone

Well before you know it Christmas has come and gone and now we look forward to the new year. I can't believe it is all over so soon, it seems just yesterday we were handing out the invites to the Ushering in yet now we are planning when to take down the Christmas lights. It has been an eventful month kick started by the Ushering which was fantastic. We had around 25 people at our place all in the mood to kick start the festive season in the correct manner-dressed in red and white with mates.
We have just moved from function to function from there on in. We had Sar's work function at movie world, a fantastic day of golf with Thommo, Clayton and Andrew at Gold Coast Country Club. I must say this was a great day which started with Andrew knocking on my door at home at 7.20am with an eski full of VB for the "cart". We seem to have found 4 golfers who enjoy the game and a beer and have the intention of making this a once a month event in the New Year. It won't be long before we up the numbers as people here seem to take golf far to seriously and don't play for the right reasons-to be social. Already there are 2 more interested parties for the January edition.
The 15th was our annual "Carine Court" Christmas Party. Invites are handed out to all in the street annually for a Xmas BBQ and cricket in the Cul de Sac. This years turn out was fantastic with around 40 people ans a visit from Santa for the kids arranged by Reece, they loved this and at one stage Sarah and Karen were seen to push in front of all the kids to get their glow bangle and some sweets-now that is the Christmas spirit for you. The evening ended at our place with the girls drinking tea and Matt and I in the pool with beers at around midnight, I think!
the last day of work Troy and I (boss) left early for a game of Golf, it was a memorial day at Burleigh Heads, now this was played in the right spirit as the organisers had cunningly placed an Eski full of beer on the tee box of every 2nd hole-fantastic way to start your annual leave.
Saturday the 21st will be a day long remembered as it brought to the family our sixth niece-yes another girl... Lauren and Jacques welcomed to the world their first child named Caitlin Judy late on Friday afternoon SA time. All are well though the only gripe I can have is that it took 6 days to get a photo for the blog. That has got to be the longest head wetting party in history Jacques . Having Lauren home from hospital made the Christmas at Stormont Ave all the more special I am sure.
We spent Xmas day at Sar's folks place with once again a fantastic spread being put before us for both lunch and dinner, it was hugely relaxing and once again it started to feel like we were on holiday while we were there.
What is in store for New Year we are not sure as yet though yesterday the planning for Japan started as we pulled out the snowboards and gear and started getting ourselves sorted for our skiing trip to Niseko and tour stop in Tokyo where we will no doubt sample the sake with Kim and Kame whilst enjoying our box seats at the Sumo wrestling. All this kicks off on Jan 16th.