Welcome Kelly and Kirsten Vorster

I am sure you have all been through the situation of receiving text messages at all hours of the evening. Well it got to the stage where I started leaving my phone no where near my bedroom to try and get that little extra but oh so valuable 10 minutes of sleep.
However twice in the last 2 weeks I have had to bring my phone into the room to act as an alarm. Can you believe that the only 3 texts I have received over the last 3 weeks have come through at 3am and 5am respectively and on the only 2 nights that my phone has been in the room-Murphy’s law I guess.
This morning I was not to unhappy as when the phone beeped at 4.50am it was bringing the fabulous news that my sister had lost 4kgs in a little over 2 hours. Yes the twins were born at 18:20 at Parklands hospital weighing in at 1.8 and 2.2kg respectively. Mother and daughters are all well which is great news. I am sure you all along with Sarah and I congratulate Robyn and Mark on a job well done and welcome Kelly and Kirsten Vorster to the world. Robyn I am sure is pleased to have her body back to herself and I have it on good authority (mine) that Mark will be doing all the baby sitting as Robyn goes to a five star resort Spa for the next week to recuperate. He was never that into sleeping anyway.
Well done guys, we are glad it all went well and look forward to seeing the photos of the girls soon. Until such a time as we have seen photos the one I have posted at the top of this page will have to do.
The just of it is that when the news is as good as above it is a pleasure to hear that phone beeping, even at 4.50am on a Saturday.
Five time uncle
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