Christmas Eve Sundowners!!!

Well Xmas Eve rolled in for Sar's and I with no plans in particular, a dangerous position to be as many of you would agree! As there was nothing cemented in I suggested to Sar's that we invite the neighbours over for sun downers on the driveway at around 5.30, neighbours being 3 couples within 50 meters of our house. One set were going away (Simon & Danni) the others were going with the kids to look at the Christmas lights (Chris & Sonia) though would join us for one before they left and Andrew was in straight away as he and Caryn had no plans themselves with Caryn being at work until 6.30. Anyway we pulled the chairs onto the driveway, the thinking behind the driveway that we could coax any passers by in for an Xmas pint, put the carols on in the background and cracked a frosty. What better way to start Xmas eve. Andrew promptly arrived followed by Chris, Sonia and family all wearing very respectable headgear down to 2 year old Tayla. All was well, Chris and family left to see the lights joking that if we were still going when they got back they would be back over! Ha ha. Before we knew it Caryn was home from work and having her 3rd drink the carols had turned into Live and we had ordered and eaten pizza, Chris and Sonia were back over after having been out, come back home got the kids to bed and arrived as promised. A few drinks later we were all in the road discussing the pros of having good Christmas lights on your house, there were no cons, we were also planning our assault on the Xmas lights competition for next year. The way we were talking Vegas would be considered dull!!! At some stage Chris mentioned he still had to build a bike, Sarah swallowed a beetle and Mine and Andrew's 11th beer had dried up so it was back to the house where we sat watching Chris and Sonia build Xmas presents. Before knew it 5.30 had become 12.30 and after wishing all a merry Xmas it was off to bed.
You cannot argue that the impromptu get together more than often turns out to be the best!!
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