Hows the Serenity
To keep family and friends up to speed with our lives since our arrival "Down Under" from the UK with frequent updates from the whirlwind that is our life.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Well as I said before the wedding was absolutely fantastic and we seem to be re-living it everyday as more and more photo's of the event come in. We are gradually getting them all together and will try post them soon. Needless to say the wedding has been the main event over the last 2 weeks though we have been socialising practically non-stop with all of our foreign visitors which has been awesome. The day after the wedding we had a mass BBQ at our house where all the guests were invited for day 2 of the wedding. We had a great turn out with groper actually changing his flight plans to Melbourne to be able to join us. All in all we had around 20 people at any one stage through the day which involved a beer run and a marathon game of overs and unders (darts) which anyone from Varsity Hockey and Cricket will know well. I think we finished up at around 10pm with a compulsory screening of The Castle for our Canadian visitor Kate. it really was a great way to finish the weekend. Monday we met Liam and Megan before they flew out to SA for an afternoon drink at the Titanium bar in Surfers which wound up with us having a beer by the pool at around 10pm-so much for dinner again!!!! The rest of the week has been back at work and looking at photo's. We have spent most of the weekend at Sar's folks place as Matt was leaving on Sunday and heading back to the UK. It is never a problem going for dinner at Sar's folks place as the food is always superb and with Matt there we were guaranteed to sample a different Australian wine with every meal, something of which I quite enjoy.
Kate from Whistler will be back with us tonight after her adventure up in North Queensland followed by which Sarah and I leave for South Africa for two and a half weeks of friends, family, a London wedding,golf and game viewing. We are really looking forward to the trip as we will get the chance to meet my nieces for the 1st time (they turned 1 on our wedding day so there is no excuse for forgetting now).
My folks have kindly arranged a celebration for us back in SA for Friday night so by Saturday I am sure I will be completely buggered-just the way my old man plans it for golf!!!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Our wedding was saturday gone and was truly an amazing event. We had the ceremony on Currumbin Beach and were treated with the most amazing weather and not a breath of wind. Sarah looked absolutely gorgeous. We had about 30 people with us and all seemed to have a really good time from the start with champagne on the beach through to when Sarah and I left the reception at roughly midnight. I will post some photo's on the site soon enough and will elaborate on the day over the next few days.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Easter gone and 11 days to go
Easter has come and gone, the front wall is 95% complete and all this adds up to one thing-11 days and counting until Sar's and I get married.

How time has flown the last 18 months and suddenly it is upon us. We think we have most things under control, venue,celebrant function venue though it is the small things that almost slip your mind and that pop up at the last minute that make you really start thinking about things. The only major headache that could occur is the weather seeing as though we are getting married on the beach at Currumbin Rock (pictured) it had better not rain. It is really getting exciting now as our international guests start confirming their arrival dates into Brisbane and on the coast. We have really been impressed with the efforts alot of people have gone to be here with us and it really adds to making the day more exciting for the both of us. In all we have people coming in from 3 countries outside Oz namely South Africa, UK and Canada so it promises to be a truly international and festive event. No doubt you will be getting more updates involving the wedding over the next few weeks along with some pics after the fact.
Until then it is back to organising cakes,champagne,limos and the likes.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
SA Rugby a Joke
It is good to see that 15 years down the line we are making real progress on the politics in sport front, this is why the rest of the world does not see us as a threat in ANY form of sport. Very very dissapointing and infuriating.
Quote "The South African government has threatened to confiscate the passports of the Springboks players unless more black players are selected for the World Cup.
The government and the South African Rugby Union have been at loggerheads for several years over the issue, with the parliamentary sports committee claiming the national team is not representative of the country.
Now committee chairman Butana Komphela has warned that the 'worst case scenario' could see South Africa's players barred from travelling to the World Cup in France in September.
"In principle, we can't allow a team that does not reflect the South African picture, to represent our country," Komphela told the Beeld newspaper.
"My fear is that rugby won't see the World Cup. We will try to convince the minister of home affairs to confiscate the passports if the team is not representative."
Komphela wants the team to include at least six black players, which he describes as 'a start', even though he does not believe that would make the team truly representative.
SARFU president Oregan Hoskins said Komphela's comments should not be seen as idle threats. "We must take what he says seriously," he said.
Thanks Damager for the above story from