Too Long

Apologies, it has been too long since the last post-probably an indication of how busy we have been over the past 2 weeks though at the same time we have managed a little time at home with the mutt.
There has been a hell of a lot of socialising going on obviously along with some exercise as the new seasons of cricket and touch footy have kicked off. SO once again we are in the routine of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday being sports nights of various codes. Thank heavens only one of the evenings is an outdoor activity as it has been bleddy cold lately and not good for being outdoors trying to warm up for a game of rugby!!
The return the game to squash to Oz is always a good thing with Colin, Clayton and myself aiming at playing a few games over the next few weeks-chances it will be before the tri nations rugby games so we can play followed by having a braai and watching the rugby.
This past weekend we had an old friend from London stay at our place on Friday evening, Joe, it is always a fun evening with Joe around and this was no different. It went from general catch up stuff to darts to bbq to Poker and to cap off the evening Karen our neighbour pulled out the trivial pursuit (when last did you play that?). It was one hell of a festive evening and a good time was had by all.
The most relaxing part of the weekend was probably taking Bindii for a long walk to the dog park. She was walking in the river though the highlight for her was probably trying to kill a kite!! The poor young girl flying the kite had no idea what to do and all bindii could think of I am sure is that she had to catch the multi coloured bird flying just above her.
You failed the mention your excellent cooking skills Mac, thanks for a great night and the Roo! Cheers...Jo
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