Appreciating Beer

Can anyone come up with a better way to start a long weekend than this "'Quickly approaching is the Coopers Beer Appreciation night" Yes a beer appreciation night, I thought every night was a beer appreciation night but now they have been made official. I will obviously be heading off there ASAP after work, it is exactly what I need after an absolutely killer week of 11 hour days minimum so tonight we kick back with a few icy colds and slide into the weekend, literally after appreciating all the beer.
There are still no pics of the twins as yet though they are both out of high care now and should be heading home today sometime, which I am sure Mark and Robyn are stoked about. It must be quite strange heading home after having twins-but without the twins!!!! Anyway teachers enjoy your first night of 3 hour feeds etc. Mark, can you tell them apart yet? I hope it all goes well as they settle into their new home and you 3 into your new family.
I have posted some pics in the photo section from Val DÍsere where Sarah and I went Skiing with my folks last year so take a look. I will be adding some more from the States and Whistler this weekend.
Enjoy your labour day everyone, I know Robyn did!!!
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