Good old Saffer/Aus/Japanese/UK bbq/braai

Long time I know, though between fighting off the flu and munching on Boerie Rolls with some old friends and expat saffers there hasn't been much time.
We were lucky enough last week to have our first of many social gatherings at our new house, effectively breaking in the place, before the event there was a fair bit of rush purchasing as we have the sum total of zero garden furniture so a few quick purchases were necessary!!!!
It was really good to have the ex JHB now Brisbane based Eldridges over for some boerie rolls delivered to them by the SA shop. As we looked back the last time we were all in the same place together was a little over 10 years ago when I was in Oz. Back in SA (the Eldridges immigrated 20 years ago) growing up the families would go caravaning once a month over a period that must have been 5 years. Needless to say it was now an extended Eldridge clan with Kim and her Fiancé Kame out from Japan and Kevins girlfriend Rachel from London also having to put up with campfire story's along with my Sarah.
It soon became a typical BBQ as once the designated driving positions were assigned the beers and wine really flowed, at one stage Kevin and Leanne playing backyard cricks with a spade and baseball!!!!!! It was a really good day with loads banter and bulls... about the place. It really was a fantastic day and we look forward to the next one!
This weekend there is a small celebration taking place as it is Sarah's folks 50th wedding anniversary-yes 50 years!!!!! We are all heading out for dinner on Sat night presuming I win the fight against the flu. Obviously a small congratulations is in order and I am still trying to convince Sarah's dad to write a book.
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