Sydney Party

Well as you know Sar's and I headed off to Sydney for a well deserved break of 3 days last weekend, little did we know by the time we got home we would have done so much walking, standing,climbing,eating and obviously drinking we would need another break!!
We stayed with Gen and Jim who I must say have the most amazing place overlooking Tamarama beach between Bondi and Bronte beach. The view was so good that Sar's and I were up before sunrise having coffee on the balcony watching the first surfers brave the morning chill, well we did this on the first morning anyway.
We were really flat out both durin g the day doing the tourist thing and in the evening socialising with Jim and Gen and a couple of their mates which really was a blast and involved mant bottles of red and a good few "pure blondes"-a type of beer that is.
On the Thursday Sar's and I did the bridge climb which was really amazing. We spent 3.5 hours going up ladders and stairs until the top where you really have the most amazing 360 degree view of Sydney (this photo is taken at the top). All in all it is about 1500 stairs. Needless to say we were both pretty exhausted afterwards and spent the afternoon cruising around the harbour on ferries and having sundowners at Bondi Beach.
Friday was spent looking at Koala's etc at the Tooronga zoo which also offers amazing views over the city. We also did ha;f of the ocean walk (a 5km path that hugs the coastline from Bondi to Bronte Beach) which was absolutely stunning especially that the weather had played its part and after months of cold and wet Sydney was getting its first taste of summer. Friday evening we went out for dinner as a group to a Tappas restaraunt overlooking Bondi beach, food was good (got to taste eel) and the wine wasn't just flowing but pouring out of the bottles, lets just say thank heavens for corkage charges. We wound up and a bar somewhere in Bondi to see the evenig out/morning in-a good time was had by all until we woke up.
Sat we did the remainder of the walk, as it happens we were staying at the halfway point, to have breakfast at Bronte then Gen and Jim kindly drove us around and showed some of the most gorgeous views of the harbour from the South Head of the harbour. By 2pm we were all shattered and crawled our way back home for a much needed siesta before heading to the airport.
By the time we got home both of us were completely shattered though satidfied that we could not have done more if we tried with our time in Sydney, we met some lovely people and had an absolute blast burning the candle at both ends.
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