Mega Computer

Well I am back on-line, Sarah and I went on Saturday evening and purchased a super computer for the house with a screen bigger than my tv!!!! It is fantastic. All the all the weekend was a good one after the irritation of Friday when my laptop was stolen had worn we really settled in for a good one on the golf course on Saturday.
Sarah and I have joined a surf club which works out really well as it encourages us to actually get out of bed fairly early on a Sunday (7am) and get to the beach. We ahve been down there the past 2 weekends for a long early morning walk, it isn't quite warm enough to surf yet, followed by breakfast on the balcony. It is really a great way to start the day.
We have been spending lots of time in the garden and house-the work never seems to be complete. I am 90% of the way through planting my lawn and it is starting to take shape now-I had to mow it on Saturday heaven forbid (1st time in 30 years)!!!!! The weather forecast had been for some rain this week (we are in level 3 water restrictions at the moment-no hose pipes) so on hearing that I promptly sowed another section of lawn seeds into the garden. I would love to show you some before and after pics of the house but my laptop was stolen when our office was burgled on Thursday so we have lost alot of our pictures from when we moved in and our last weeks in London which is really dissapointing.
It is really good being in your own place- you actually don't mind working on it. We have really good nieghbours across the road and next to us, we have had dinner with them and went across for beers yesterday. The area seems to be quite young (our age) and mostly first time buyers. Everyone is really cool and there is a real neighbourhood (not neighbours) feel about the place. We seem to be out in the street or over at someones house every weekend-nothing like the UK where I don,t think in 4 years I ever knew my Neighbours.
Sarah and I are off to Sydney on Wednesday, we figured it had been 6 months since we got away and both of us have been flat out at work so it was time for a long weekend. We are going to stay with Sar's cousin Gen who has kindly offered us accomodation for 3 nights while we do the tourist thing and just kick back for a couple of days-should be fun. I am trying to convince Sarah to do the bridge climb though we will have to see. Watch this space for pics next week.
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