Getting there slowly. We headed down to the Kurrawa SUrf CLub for breakfast over looking hte beach. Sar's and I do this fairly regularly on weekends as it is so relaxing and seems to bring you back to where you are living. It is quite easy to get caught up in work and everyday living that you start to take for granted where you are, so a breakfast overlooking the beach is always good. Thommo and Eve capped this off with a swim and headed off to see the sights of Brissie for the afternoon.
Once back from Brissie we headed off to the Marina where we ahd dinner at Fishermans Wharf (pic above). It overlooks the the broadwater and Marina and is a really relaxed place to eat. We ended up at Palace Versace, the top hotel on the coast, for coffee afterwards listening to live piano which was fantastic.
On our arrival home the ladies headed for bed though we Thommo and I had found some live SA cricket on telly which required we watch with a few icy colds. Little did we realise that this was going to become the norm over the next 5 days, watching cricket until 2am+ and having many beers in the process. We woke up every day to a lounge table covered with dead soldiers that had fought hard to resist but failed in the end.
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