The calm before the storm

For those of you who have ever bought property or are in the process of buying property can you tell me, has it always been this frustrating or am I doing something wrong?
Sarah and I are in the process of looking with the intent of purchasing a house, we have been looking at houses for going on 4 weeks solid and in the 2 months before that we would occasionally venture out on a Sunday to get a feel of what we wanted and could get for the price bracket we are looking at. As you can gather we have done our research and have a good idea of where we are. However nothing can prepare you for when you actually put an offer in on a house. Suddenly a whole new door opens which contains many different items that need to be arranged and completed within a 7 day or 14 day period after contracts have been signed. This is not including solicitors, insurance, conveyance's more insurance which you should have already sorted out.
Needless to say we put an offer in on an house and the circus began for 24 hours there just seemed to be endless phone calls and collecting of quotations from different companies for the necessary services. It was hell for about 24 hours.
Unfortunately or fortunately the offer didn't go through as the sellers had some friends show interest the same day we made the offer so it didn't go ahead. One good thing it has done though is that we feel like we have had a dry run at the property and though we were prepared it is a different animal once you get the green light. After a stressful 24 hours which were hell at the time have made us a lot more prepared for what will be an exiting time in our lives.
Though I am sure there will be more surprises and stress in the next venture we should also get some pleasure from it.
There is nothing like your first time!!!!!!
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Know the feeling - try buying a house on the other side of the world!
We have just bought a house back in SA - thought we would be in the UK forever, but the sun & sea have drawn us home finally!
Kev & Lora
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