Highs and Lows

Well it has been a hell of a two weeks with the FA Cup final going to those lucky wank..s from up north, the semi finals of the Super 14 rugby where I went from being overjoyed at the Sharks being guaranteed their rightful place in the semi-finals as surely not even the Stormers could possibly lose by 33 points to the Bulls in their own backyard!!!! Well I guess after being away so long you just forget what a bunch of soft, spineless pretty boys just happy to collect a wage they are at the mountain-and I am being polite right now. I think the Bulls caught them in their usual post match positions with their pants down and their heads through the fence......... Needless to say the Bulls have just been given the same dose by the Crusaders so once again we have an all New Zealand final to look forward to. Think I will start following AFL (where they bounce the ball as they run and punch it to each other-yes that really is the whole game the Stormers could play it!!! Well maybe not)
As for us it has been two weeks of action and planning, we are in the process of purchasing a house and going through all the finance options and meetings along with the endless viewing of property. This is fun to begin with though as we enter our 5th week the novelty has well and truly worn off. Hopefully it all wraps up soon as the right place turns up. Sar's and I have bought a new tv "for the house"and over the last couple of hours I have managed to set up my laptop to play through the tv. This means with the advantage of having downloaded a few movies we will be spending the rest of this evening watching "Walk the Line", a movie based on the life of Johnny Cash. Should make for great viewing through my ever darkening black eye...
This came about playing Action Cricket-yes really. The ball was obviously very well struck because even with my greased lightening reflexes it managed to pin me. To add insult to injury being only my second game in 6 years I arrived at work on Friday barely able to move due to being seriously stiff and with a black eye. Needless to say my boss found this pretty humourous as it was him I was filling in for on the court. I am in the process of trying to link this all together to try and claim some sort of compensation for office brutality or bullying-any lawyers out there keen to take my case on for me? pro bono of course call me now.
In the middle of all this I have seem to have taken on the added responsibility of keeping my sister company during her 12 and 3 am feeding of the twins. Never before have I seen a time zone difference of 8 hours come in so handy. So I am getting all the news on a regular basis from sis regarding the family and the twins who seem to have learnt the art of text messaging at the early age of 1 month as some of the messages are directly signed off from them, anything to keep sane at 3am I guess and I really enjoy all the news at a reasonable hour for myself. Keep ém coming sis and I hope the twins don't sleep through for a while yet.
I will add more info this week as right now I am off to watch the game where they bounce the ball and punch it to each other thrown in with a little Johnny Cash.
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