Zoom Zoom, both in car and rugby

Much as Mac said in the previous post, we went to one car yard, then to another, test drove another care, went to another car yard, walked out and went back to the first car yard and bought the car.
I'm back (mac that is) yes it was the usual case of look in every showroom on the coast and end up back at the one where we looked at a car 3 weeks ago. All that investigating just for peace of mind which we duly got when the Holden (Vauxhall,Opel) dealer in Robina told us there was no way any dealer could do the deal at the price we were quoted by Surfers City holden-they would be making a loss!!!! WHATEVER!!!. He said we should be sure it wasn't a demo model make sure it wasn't an 05 model as with the new ones it was just not possible. He has assured me he will contact me on Monday to see if it was real. Armed with this info and fealing as if someone had tried to pull the wool over my eyes I flew back to Surfers City Holden ready for battle. The conversation went like this:
SCH: Hey Ryan
ME: Blair we are interested in that Astra we looked at 3 weeks ago.
SCH:It was sold 3 days ago mate.
At this point I am thinking "here we go"
ME: Really, pity as we were really interested and keen, we have been looking at the Toyata Ascent at the same price but like the Astra, you meet that price and you will get our business.
SCH: Your budget still $xxxxx
ME: Yes
SCH: Let me go speak to my manager and see what we have.
Here we go I bet he tries to add 5k
SCH: Yes we can do it at $xxxxx just to prevent you from going to Toyota.
Me: It is brand new, 06 model, elec windows and alloy wheels.
SCH: Ye mate, exactly the same as the last one you looked at with 12 months rego.
All this said I am really looking forward to the Robina salesman ringing me tomorrow to see how we had been misled by surfers city and exactly what they said when we aproached them with his information.
Who's pulling the wool over who's eyes?
He did exactly what he said he would for the price he would and didn't spend 15 minutes not wanting to talk price. He got straight to the point with the car we want for the price we want. He also did exactly what he said he would and for that got our business and recomendation.
By the way the car is a 2006 Holden Astra, the same colour and car as the one pictured above
In between all that I again managed to see the English get smashed by the Wallabies on Saturday night with a few icy colds which was extremely satisfying.
Well done Macster,
Negotiated like a true durban charo ek se !!! Glad you got a chance to show them who's the real boss.
Nice wheels ... did you get them to throw in tinted windows? With a bit of luck you can get Sars to wash it too.
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