4 Days & Counting

Well as it says above only 4 days to go until we move into our new house, which until now has been far enough away not to really be thinking about it, however the day is upon us and are we in control after what has been a crazy month? Who knows........All we can think about now is getting in there and making it home We have the basics and the rest will come once we are in and have a better idea on he dimensions and how we want to position furniture before we purchase it. Saying that we did get ourselves a lovely dining room suite on the weekend and Sarah finally got her hands on the car we have been looking at since living in London. I am not sure how to take it but that damn car seems to be getting more attention than me at the moment and even got tucked up last night before we went to bed. Coincidence that this happens on the first night that my electric blanket wasn't turned on? I think not. I am seriously thinking of removing the immobiliser batteries to show it who is really boss.........
Moving on, the plans are all in place and we have even been planting flowers in pots to get a head start before getting into our garden-which at this point has absolutely nothing in it. Sar's mom has been doing this without my knowledge for a couple of months now and has a mini nursery around the side of the house ready to go. Fantastic. I have done my part and planted a chilli bush. We just have to wit and see now whether or not I have green fingers. I planned this pretty well in that I picked a plant that requires no looking after at all, so it has no chance of failing. Sarah is dealing with all the temperamental plants, she has the patience for it where I certainly don't.
Other than that we had a really nice weekend going out for a fantastic lunch on Saturday afternoon in Surfers Paradise and had possibly one of the best Italian meals I have had in a long time. Not just I was impressed but Sarah and her mom agreed theirs was superb to. After lunch I was told to drive past the new house again-luckily we were in the new car as the people there now must think they have stalkers as Sarah and her mom stare with intent out the window at the house while we are parked across the road. This has been happening every weekend by the way!!!!!!!
I am just the driver I swear...
In between all that I managed to see the Iirsh get smashed by the Wallabies on Saturday night with a few icy colds which was extremely satisfying. The only thing that ruined this weekend was the French
Macster & Sars,
That's such great news !!! We're very excited for you both. Good luck getting moved, settled in & christening the place (leave that to your immagination).
I take it the potjie pot is set up in the garden & the beer fridge next to the lazyboy?
Dont put too much mess in our room !!!
Take care,
Colin & Eve
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